Learn pitch matching and interval training through an interactive singing autotune game.
By Devany West, Jamie Bloxham, and Divya Gopinath.
Demo starts at 2:27
Intunation from Eran Egozy on Vimeo.
Learn pitch matching and interval training through an interactive singing autotune game.
By Devany West, Jamie Bloxham, and Divya Gopinath.
Demo starts at 2:27
Intunation from Eran Egozy on Vimeo.
A capella training game.
By: Alyssa Chen, Courtney Guo, and Varun Mangalick.
Demo starts at 3:52
Online multiplayer music card game.
By: Kelsey Chan and Diane Zhou.
Demo starts at 3:56
A vocal and beat-matching collaborative music game.
By: Rick Huang, Stanley Cen, and Tim Chong.
Demo starts at 5:25
A platformer that plays with music and color.
By: Lotta Blumberg, Robert Rusch, and Jakob Weisblat.
Demo starts at 4:58
Train your ear to match pitch with this fun microphone game.
By: Lisandro Jimenez and Edward Park.
Demo starts at 3:30
A rhythm game where you beatbox into a microphone.
By: Patrick Egbuchulam, Barry McNamara, and Andrew Titus.
Demo starts at 3:14
Musical multiplayer snake game
By: Danielle Penny and Dang Pham
Demo starts at 5:05
Game to help vocal percussionists improve their timing skills
By: Steven Anthony Rivera and Tiffany Wong
Demo starts at 5:50
Intense arcade-style beat-matching game.
By: Zachary Miranda and Jose Salazar.
Demo starts at 3:33